Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What your Children REALLY Hear!

As the months roll by we celebrate the birth of each child. Upon each birthday my youngest asks "when am I bigger?" and with that I explain that she will be 4 when we move to South Dakota and the weather gets colder.

Today she debated with her older sister over how big she has become...
Dylan - I am drawing hearts mommy...
Neela - Draw me a heart...
Dylan - I'll draw you a small heart 'cus your little..
Neela - I'm not little.. I'm big and I can do things!
Dylan - no you're only 3.. I'm 5 so I'm bigger!
Neela - Well I'm gonna be bigger then you...

She then goes off to play and comes out dressed for extreme weather... When asked why she had put on such items her explanation....

"I'm bigger now because its colder!"

Did I mention its 86 degrees F outside today!!


Anonymous said...

to stinkin cute

AgelessThings said...

how adorable, brought a smile to my face and reminds me of Art Linkletter who's famous line is "Kids say the darndest things"